Publications since 1990
- Fontagné L., Martin P., Orefice G. (2024), The many Channels of Firm's Adjustment to Energy Shocks: Evidence from France, Economic Policy.
- Fontagné L., Limardi M. (2023), The Generalized System of Preferences and NGO Activism. Journal of Development Economics.
- Barba Navaretti G., Fontagné L., Orefice G., Pica G., Rosso A.C.(2023), TBTs, Firm Organization and Labour Structure- The effect of Technical Barriers to Trade on Skills. Review of International Economics.
- Fontagné L., Reshef A., Santoni G., Vannelli G. (2023), Automation, Global Value Chains and Functional Specialization, Review of International Economics. - Methodology for building nominal robot stocks
- Fontagné L., Schubert K. (2023), The Economics of Border Carbon Adjustment: Rationale and Impacts of Compensating for Carbon at the Border, Annual Review of Economics
- Bellora C., Fontagné L. (2023), EU in Search of a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, Energy Economics
- Fontagné L., Rocha N., Ruta M., Santoni G. (2023) The Economic Impact of Deepening Trade Agreements, World Bank Economic Review.
- Fontagné L., Guimbard H., Orefice G. (2022), A new dataset on product-level trade elasticities, Data in Brief,
Fontagné L., Perego E., Santoni G. (2022), MaGE 3.1: Long-Term Macroeconomic Projections of the World Economy. International Economics. - Fontagné L., Guimbard H., Orefice G. (2022), Tariff-Based Product Level Trade Elasticities, Journal of International Economics,
- Disdier A.-C., Fontagné L., Tresa E. (2021), Economic Drivers of Public Procurement-Related Protection. The World Economy. 44:(11): 3072–3090.
- Bekkers E., Antimiani A., Carrico c., Flaig D., Fontagné L., Fouré J., Francois J., Itakura K., Kutlina-Dimitrova Z., Powers W., Saveyn B., Teh R., Van Tongeren F., Tsigas M. (2020), Modelling Trade and Other Economic Interactions Between Countries in Baseline Projections, Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 5(1): 273-345.
- Fontagné L., Santoni G. (2021) GVCs and the Endogenous Geography of RTAs. European Economic Review. Vol
- Fontagné L., Orefice G. Piermartini R. (2020), Making (small) Firms Happy. The Heterogeneous Effect of Trade Facilitation Measures. Review of International Economics. 28(3): 565-598.
- Fontagné L., Santoni G., (2019), Agglomeration Economies and Firm Level Labor Misallocation, Journal of Economic Geography, 19(1): 251-272,
- Fontagné L., Martin P., Orefice G. (2018) The International Elasticity Puzzle Is Worse Than You Think - Journal of International Economics, 115: 115-119,
- Fontagné L., Secchi A., Tomasi C. (2018), Exporters' product vectors across markets, European Economic Review, 110: 150-180.
- Beestermöller M., Disdier A.C., Fontagné L. (2018), Impact of European Food Safety Border Inspections on Agri-Food Exports: Evidence from Chinese Firms,China Economic Review, 48: 66-82,
- Fontagné L., Orefice G. (2018), Let's Try Next Door: Technical Barriers to Trade and Multi-Destination Firms, European Economic Review, (101): 643 - 663,
- Békès G., Fontagné L., Murakozy B., Vicard V. (2017), Shipment frequency of exporters and demand uncertainty - Review of World Economics, 153(4): 779–807
- Fontagné L., Fouré J, Keck A. (2016), Simulating World Trade in the Decades Ahead: Driving Forces and Policy Implications, The World Economy, 40(1): 36-55.
- Berthou A., Fontagné L. (2016), Variable Trade Costs, Composition Effects, and the Intensive Margin of Trade, The World Economy, 39(1): 54-71 .
- Château J., Fontagné L., Fouré J., Johansson A, Olaberría E. (2015), Trade patterns in the 2060 world economy, OECD Journal: Economic Studies,
- Disdier A.-C., Fontagné L., Mimouni M. (2015), Tariff Liberalization and Trade Integration of Emerging Countries, Review of International Economics, 23(5): 946-971.
- Fontagné L., Orefice G., Piermartini R., Rocha N. (2015), Product Standards and Margins of Trade: Firm-Level Evidence, Journal of International Economics, 97(1): 29-44.
- Decreux Y., Fontagné L. (2015), What next for Multilateral Trade talks? Quantifying the Role of Negotiation Modalities, World Trade Review, 14(1): 29-43
- Blonigen B., Fontagné L., Sly N., Toubal F. (2014), Cherries for sale: The incidence and timing of cross-border M&A, Journal of International Economics, 94(2): 341-357.
- Disdier A.-C., Fontagné L., Cadot O. (2014), North-South Standards Harmonization and International Trade, World Bank Economic Review, 29(2): 327-352.
- Cheptea A., Fontagné L., Zignago S. (2014), European Export Performance, Review of World Economics, 150(1): 25-58
- Fouré J., Bénassy-Quéré A., Fontagné L. (2013), Modelling the world economy at the 2050 horizon, Economics of Transition, 21(4): 617-654 (lead paper)
- Fontagné L. Koenig P., Mayneris F., Poncet S. (2013), Cluster Policies and Firm Selection: Evidence from France, Journal of Regional Science, 53(5), 897-922.
- Fontagné L., Mitaritonna C. (2013), Assessing Barriers to Trade in the Distribution and Telecom Sectors in Emerging Countries, World Trade Review, 12, (1): 57-78.
- Berthou A., Fontagné L. (2013), How do Multiproduct Exporters React to a Change in Trade Costs, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 115(2), 326–353.
- Bricongne J.C., Fontagné L., Gaulier G., Taglioni D., Vicard V. (2012) Firms and the global crisis: French exports in the turmoil , Journal of International Economics, 87(1): 134-146
- Deak S., Fontagné L. Maffezzoli M., Marcellino M. (2011), LSM: A DSGE Model for Luxembourg - Economic Modelling, 28(6): 2862-2872, Appendix.
- Bénassy-Quéré A., Fontagné L., Raff H. (2011), Exchange-Rate Misalignments in Duopoly: The Case of Airbus and Boeing, The World Economy, 34, (4): 623-641.
- Fontagné L., Laborde D., Mitaritonna C. (2011), An Impact Study of the Economic Partnership Agreements in the Six ACP Regions, Journal of African Economies, 20(2):179-216 (Lead paper & Editor's choice).
- Bellas D, Bricongne J.C., Fontagné L., Gaulier G., Vicard V. (2010) Une analyse de la dynamique des exportations des sociétés françaises de 2000 à 2009, Economie et Statistique, (438–440): 239-265.
- Disdier A.-C., Fontagné L. (2010), Trade Impact of European Measures on GMOS Condemned by the WTO Panel, Review of World Economics, 146(3): 495-514.
- Berthou A., Fontagné L. (2010), Les effets de l'introduction de l'euro sur les exportateurs français, une analyse sur données individuelles, Revue d'Economie Politique, (2): 335-354.
- Disdier A.-C., Tai S. H. T., Fontagné L., Mayer T (2010), Bilateral Trade of Cultural Goods, Review of World Economics, 145: 575-595 (lead paper).
- Fontagné L., Mayer T., Ottaviano T. (2009), Of markets, products and prices: The effects of the euro on European firms, Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, 44(3): 149-158.
- Fontagné L., Mirza D. (2009), Exports and Wages: Discriminating between the Sources of Rents, Recherches Economiques de Louvain/ Louvain Economic Review, 75(1): 35-62.
- Bouët A., Decreux Y., Fontagné L., Jean S. and Laborde D., (2008), Assessing applied protection across the world, Review of International Economics, 16(5): 850-863.
- Disdier A.-C., Fontagné L., Mimouni M. (2008), The Impact of Regulations on Agricultural Trade: Evidence from SPS and TBT Agreements, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 90(2): 336–350.
- Fontagné L., Gaulier G., Zignago S. (2008), Specialization Across Varieties and North–South Competition, Economic Policy, 23 (53): 51-91.
- Fontagné L., Zignago S., (2007), A Re-evaluation of the impact of regional agreements on trade patterns, Economie internationale, 1, (109) : 31-51. Integration and Trade, 11, (26): 31-51.
- Fontagné L., Mirza D. (2007), International Trade and Rent Sharing among Developed and Developing Countries, Economic Modelling, 24 (3): 523-558.
- Fontagné L., Freudenberg M., Gaulier G. (2006), A Systematic Decomposition of World Trade into Horizontal and Vertical IIT, Review of World Economics, 142(3):459-475.
- Coulibaly S., Fontagné L. (2006), South-South Trade: Geography Matters, Journal of African Economies (15): 313-341.
- Fontagné L., Mayer T. (2005), Determinants of Location Choices by Multinational Firms: A Review of the Current State of Knowledge, Applied Economics Quarterly, Supplement to issue 56: 9-34.
- Fontagné L., Mimouni M., Pasteels J.M. (2005), Estimating the Impact of Environmental SPS and TBT on International Trade, Integration and Trade, (22): 7-37.
- Fontagné L., von Kirchbach F., Mimouni M. (2005), An Assessment of Environmentally-Related Non-Tariff Measures, The World Economy, 28 (10): 1417-1439.
- Fontagné L., Mayer T., Zignago S. (2005) Trade in the Triad: How Easy is the Access to Large Markets?, Canadian Journal of Economics, 38(4): 1401-1430.
- Fontagné L., Guérin J.-L., Jean S. (2005), Market Access Liberalisation in the Doha Round: Scenarios and Assessment, The World Economy, 28(8): 1073-1094.
- Bénassy-Quéré A., Fontagné L., Lahreche-Revil A. (2005), How Does FDI React to Corporate Taxation?, International Tax and Public Finance, 12(5): 583-603.
- Fontagné L. (2003), The Doha Development Agenda. Market Access and Domestic Support Measures, CESifo Forum, (3): 3-10.
- Bouët A., Fontagné L., Mimouni M., Pichot P. (2002), MAcMaps : une mesure bilatérale et désagrégée de l’accès au marché, Economie internationale, (89-90): 39-64
- Fontagné L., Pajot M., Pasteels J.-M. (2002), Potentiels de commerce entre économies hétérogènes : un petit mode d’emploi des modèles de gravité, Economie et Prévision, (152-153): 115-139.
- Fontagné L., Mimouni M. (2002), Globalisation, performances commerciales et développement, Reflets et Perspectives de la vie économique, XLI(2): 27-39, Brussels.
- Bénassy-Quéré A., Fontagné L., Lahreche-Revil A., (2001) Stratégie de change et attraction des investissements directs en Méditerranée, Revue d'Economie du Développement, 4: 3-30.
- Fontagné L., Mimouni M. (2001), L’environnement, nouvel obstacle au commerce de produits agricoles et alimentaires, Economie Internationale, (87): 63-87.
- Bénassy-Quéré A., Fontagné L., Lahreche-Revil A. (2001), Exchange Rate Strategies in the Competition for Attracting Foreign Direct Investment, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 15: 178-198
- Fontagné L., Pajot M. (1999), Investissement direct à l'étranger et échanges extérieurs : un impact plus fort aux Etats-Unis qu'en France, Economie et Statistique, (326-327): 31-52.
- Fontagné L., Freudenberg M. (1999), Marché unique et développement des échanges, Economie et Statistique, (326-327): 71-95.
- Fontagné L., Freudenberg M., Pajot M. (1999), Le potentiel d'échanges entre l'Union européenne et les PECO : un réexamen, Revue Economique, 50, (6): 1139-1168.
- Fontagné L., (1999), Spécialisation et asymétrie des chocs en union monétaire, Revue Française d’Economie, 14, (2): 107-162.
- Fontagné L., Freudenberg M. (1999), Endogenous Symmetry of Shocks in a Monetary Union, Open Economies Review, 10, (3): 263-287.
- Fontagné L., Freudenberg M., Ünal-Kezenci D. (1999), Trade in Technology, and Quality Ladders: Where do EU countries Stand?, Journal of Development Planning Literature, 14, (4): 527-548.
- Fontagné L., Freudenberg M., Péridy N. (1998) Commerce international et structures de marché: une vérification empirique, Economie et Prévision, (135): 147-167.
- Fontagné L., Pajot M. (1998), Investissement direct et commerce international : le cas français, Revue Economique, 49, (3): 593-605.
- Fontagné L., Guérin J.L. (1997), L'ouverture, catalyseur de la croissance, Economie internationale, (71): 135-167.
- Fontagné L., Guérin J.L. (1997), Innovation, imitation et rattrapage en présence de rigidités sur le marché du travail, Revue économique, 48, (5): 1265-1290.
- Fontagné L., Freudenberg M., Ünal-Kezenci D. (1996), Les échanges de biens intermédiaires de la Triade, Economie internationale, (65): 143-168.
- Fontagné L., Freudenberg M., Ünal-Kezenci D. (1996), Statistical Analysis of EC Trade in Intermediate Products, Eurostat, Série 6D, March.
- Fontagné L., Péridy N. (1996), Le renouveau de l’insertion des pays du Maghreb dans les échanges mondiaux, Annales Marocaines d’Economie, Spring: 87-116.
- Fontagné L., Péridy N. (1995), Uruguay Round et pays en développement : le cas de l'Afrique du Nord, Revue Economique, 46, (3): 703-715.
- Fontagné L. (1994), Concurrence imparfaite, interdépendance des préférences et politiques commerciales, Revue Economique, 45, (3): 443-457.
- Fontagné L. (1991), Un nouveau champ d'investigation pour l'économie internationale : les biens intermédiaires, Revue Française d'Economie, 6, (4): 4-49.
- Fontagné L. (1991), Échange international d'inputs intermédiaires : un bilan des implications positives et normatives, Revue d'Economie Politique, 101, (3): 317-399.
- Fontagné L. (1991), Spécialisation et protection en présence de biens intermédiaires échangés, Revue Economique, 42, (1): 51-73.
- Fontagné L. (1990), Spécialisation internationale et échanges technologiques, Revue d'Economie Politique, (2): 233-259.